At this time of year, despite my Five Tips for Winter Cycling article, motivation for riding can, how shall I put this, be less than optimal round here. Luckily, this year I’ve devised a plan to cope with this.
- The first thing I’ve done is start a cycling diary. It’s just a spreadsheet on my PC where I will enter the date and distance of each cycle ride. For each trip, I will also calculate the average speed. This will tell me if I am getting fitter and faster as the year progresses. I might also use the diary to track my progress against an overall distance target for the year. Still thinking on this.
- Secondly, I will be tracking every ride and mapping it online using a combination of Social Hiking, ViewRanger, and Instamapper. I don’t know why but it’s more motivating for me if I can see my routes online.
- Thirdly, I hope to go out for a few trips with a local cycling group. Previously, I’ve been deterred by the distance and the type of cycling that is typical of local cycling clubs. Their trips tend to be highish mileage and with road bikes whereas I’m looking for trips that are more suitable for mountain bikes (even if on-road). However, I’ve seen a local group that looks more suitable (they all ride different types of bike) so I’ll be meeting up with them one weekend I hope.
There’s nothing too radical about this plan but it’s helped my motivation already. If you have any motivational tips, leave a comment below.
Hey Clive,
Totally agree on all points. My experience with doing a similar thing with hiking is that it really helps with motivation, especially feeling the world is watching and heading out with others!
Good luck!
When I ride a bike, walk, or drive a car, cyclists are predictably the most unpredictable element out there.