I’ve not done many cycle rides this year so far. No excuses but it was bloody cold and grey today and I didn’t venture out. Somehow, winter cycling is always better when it’s a bright, sunny blue sky day. I can put up with the cold when that’s the case.
However, in the absence of much riding, I have cleaned my bike – and given the chain a good clean followed by dry lube. So, there is a clean bike waiting for me in my hallway.
Here’s evidence of the bike cleaning…

The longer the clean bike ‘stares at me’, the more guilty I will feel so I’m sure I will get out for a cycle next week, even if it’s only a short ride into Horsham.
On the other hand, perhaps I’m not doing too bad because one or two of my cycling mates haven’t been out cycling since this cycle ride in the New Forest last October!
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